Choose your own gift!

AA Insurance wanted to drive sales at Christmas time - when insurance is not top of mind – through utilising the power of partnerships…
For AA Insurance’s Christmas sales promotion, they wanted to appeal to three of their core audiences:
- Carefree – singles and couples without children
- Burdened – price conscious families
- Empty nesters – post-children households.
…with the aid of brand partner incentives!
Customers were invited to “Choose your own gift with new car, home or contents policies”, which meant an array of incentives needed to be sourced!
These brand partner incentives were made up of a broad range of gift products and gift cards that had a high-perceived value - around $100 - for customers to select from. The gift options where items the customer could either use themselves or gift to someone else.
We got to work sourcing a range of high-value goods to appeal to this broad audience at an average price of $50 per customer, including:
- Technology (e.g. tablets, iPod shuffles and LG phones)
- Movie vouchers
- Prezzy®, Mitre 10, BP and New World gift cards
This win-win campaign enabled our broad-range of partners to benefit from reaching new customers through AA Insurance’s customer base, along with a positive association with the one of the biggest and most trusted brands in the country.
Over 3,000 gifts were sent out to customers who signed up during the promotional period.
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