Rewards & Incentives
November 22, 2022

7 Ways You Can Use Gift Cards Through Your Customer Lifecycle

Gift Cards allow you to offer a sweet deal to your customers without eating into your margins. They can be used at multiple stages within your customer lifecycle to move your audience from a potential buyers to advocates for your brand.

They are desirable for your customers, easy to set up, simple to promote and quick to fulfil.

Here are 7 ways you can use Gift Cards to incentivise through the sales cycle.

1. Acquisition: Use Gift Cards rather than discounts to create urgency around the sale. This simple solution allows you to promote using simple messaging and when using Rapport, fulfil in a hassle-free way.

2. Upsell: Turn a good customer into a great customer by incentivising them to purchase a higher value product, service or subscription. Using a Gift Card helps keep the messaging simple.

3. Cross-Sell: Your most valuable customer can be the ones you already have. If you have other products or services that are right for the customer, use Gift Cards to incentivise them to buy these from you rather than the competition. Increasing customer lifetime value and share of wallet.

4. Feedback: Getting feedback from your customer’s is so valuable. Increase the likelihood of their participation with the chance to win Gift Cards.

5. Referral: Reward your customers for talking about you to friends and family with Gift Cards that are promoted through referral programmes.

6. Renewal: Is it time for your customer to renew a service or is there a chance they could jump ship to your competitor? Triggering a reward before renewal warms them up and helps keep them for longer.

7. Win-Back: Re-engage your inactive customers with a Gift Card incentive to buy again.

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